How to Leave a Review on Rate MD
1. Find Dr. Kerissa Nielsen on Rate MD
- Go to Dr. Kerissa Nielsen on Rate
- If you’re on your cell phone, open the Rate MDs app and search for: KERISSA NIELSEN
2. Click the ‘Rate This Doctor’ button
- Underneath her profile
3. Pick Your Stars
- In the 4 boxes that pop up, pick however many stars you’d like to rate her in terms of Staff, Punctuality, Staff and Knowledge
- In the message box, type your comments
- Click the ‘Rate This Doctor’ button again and a message will appear that says “Thank you for your rating! Your post will appear shortly.”
- Once you’ve rated a doctor, you won’t see the “Rate This Doctor” button on their profile anymore. Instead you’ll see this message: “You, or someone from your location, have already rated this doctor. Thanks for the rating!”
Let us know if you had any problems posting a review, or if you have any other feedback for us! Email us at Thank you!_