In 2015, a survey indicated that 79% of the population are open to the idea of homeopathy. If you are one of the individuals who are open to homeopathy, but would like to learn more about what happens during a homeopathy appointment, read on. A Homeopathy Appointment in Detail Your first homeopathic appointment will be […]
Category: Uncategorized
Homeopathy Aids with Side Effects of Chemotherapy & Radiotherapy
Cancer – a dread diagnosis. Nobody wants to receive bad news, unfortunately, most of us will be affected by the disease at some point in our lives. Conventional approaches such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation can be lengthy and difficult. When managing the side effects of these treatments, people sometimes turn to homeopathy to provide […]
Homeopathy: Simple Ways to Look Healthier and Enhance Your Beauty
Did you know that homeopathy can enhance your beauty and make you look healthier? Here are some tips to help you get started. Homeopathy and Hair It’s important to take care of your hair as much as it is your skin. Dandruff and hair-fall are two common concerns that people have. This can be due […]
Homeopathy: The perfect Cure for Menstrual Cramps
Menstrual cramps can be debilitating and disruptive to a woman’s everyday life. In some cases, it can cause severe pain and uncontrolled bleeding. These type of symptoms require treatment. In this article, we discuss homeopathic remedies for women that are suffering from severe menstrual pain. Medicines for Menstrual Pain Menstrual pain can be severe and […]
Homeopathic Remedies for Weight Loss
If you are looking to lose some weight, incorporating homeopathic remedies into your routine can help. Homeopathy and nutrition is a potent combination for weight loss because it is shown to improve digestive, metabolism, and elimination. If you are looking to incorporate some homeopathic remedies into your weight loss routine, here are some to try: […]
Homeopathic Remedies for Headaches
Headaches are one of the most common causes of suffering for humans. They can occur from a variety of different causes, including stress, hypertension, sinusitis, allergies, hyperacidity, and can be debilitating and painful. Most people look for ways to treat their headaches fast. Fortunately, homeopathic medicine can help. There are a plethora of homeopathic remedies […]
Tips for Your First Homeopathic Appointment
Your first visit to a Homeopath can be a surprising experience. In order to prep yourself for your first appointment, there are some things that patients should be aware of. In order to help prepare you for your first Homeopathic appointment, here are our top tips. Acute vs. Chronic Appointments Not all consultations will be […]
6 Homeopathic Remedies for your Dog
Homeopathy doesn’t just work for treating humans – it works very well for your pet, too! Most commonly used remedies are inexpensive and easy to find. They can be found at most health food markets, some human pharmacies, and online. These remedies can come in handy for minor emergencies, so they are perfect for keeping […]
Clinic Now Open
The time has come! We are thrilled to announce that Foundation of Health Clinic officially opened its doors today. A complete holistic offering Under the direction of Dr. Kerissa Nielsen, DMS, HD, the Clinic offers a wide array of holistic healing services from homeopathy and supplements to massage, acupuncture, breast thermography and various other holistic […]
4 All-Natural Easy Ways To Detox Your Body
Many people think that it takes lots of time and money to change your life for the better. You may not realize it, but there are ways to naturally detox your body that are free. If you are looking for the best way to improve your mood, health, and skin, we’ve rounded up the top […]